The holiday season is still in full bloom and also here at ChurchTools the one or the other enjoys the sunshine. We took advantage of the quiet days and cleaned up a bit for this release with some nice results.
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ChurchTools Version 3.49
Perspiring I sit in front of the computer and may present the new version to you. Fortunately, it’s not a cold sweat, but only owed to the nice weather. Even if the heat doesn’t stop at ChurchTools, it won’t stop
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As a computer scientist I am used to the coolness of the basement (to use a cliché), but this heat wave also hit me. But 36°C don’t stop us from creating a new version with new features for you. In
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A new version of the ChurchTools App has been released in the App and Play Stores. Surely you have already installed the new update or it has been installed automatically. In the following, I would like to show you some
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We already have summer and last week we celebrated Pentecost. Today I may present version 3.47. I want ot highlight three interesting changes in three different areas, which are design, function and permissions. Redesign The Admin area and several modal
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In today’s ChurchTools update, we further improve the security, as well as the profile, extend the flexibility of the bulk letter and fix many bugs. Two-Factor Authentication The two-factor authentication is an extremely useful feature and has been mentioned in
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The Lord is risen! We hope you had wonderful Easter and celebrated our Lord and His resurrection. For us it goes on again and we are not only allowed to present you a new version today, but also a powerful release!
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What are the next steps for our app?
“Finally I made it!” – 72-year-old Prudence calls me when she has confirmed her rota request for the coffee service on Sunday via the app. She just doesn’t really get along with email and browser. But once I installed the
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ChurchTools App available NOW!
We’re super excited to announce to you that the first ChurchTools app is live and available for download! 🎉 It’s something we’re extremely proud of but more importantly, it’s something we know is going to serve pastors, church leaders, volunteers,
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News on our App
You have been asking and waiting for our first ChurchTools app. Now is the time we want to tell you EVERYTHING you will be able to do in the app, show you how it looks like at the moment as
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