Do you know The Flash, the superhero who can run really fast and fights evil that way? It would be great if you could reach your goal in ChurchTools as quickly as Flash, wouldn’t it? With the new quick search in version 3.73 this is now possible.
Quick search
Those who work with ChurchTools on a daily basis will especially love this feature. The new quick search allows you to call up a specific person or group with just a few clicks. Searching for wiki pages and songs is also already integrated.

The quick search has been deliberately developed for this use case, that you can quickly navigate within ChurchTools. The respective titles and names are searched.
In this first version, the search supports the following objects:
- Persons
- Groups
- Wiki pages
- Songs
Use the arrow keys to select the search results and TAB or SHIFT + TAB to navigate through the tabs.
ChurchTools News Widget

If this is your first visit to our ChurchTools blog, there’s a good chance you came across it via our new ChurchTools News widget.
Welcome to ChurchTools! We have been blogging here regularly for several years about new features in ChurchTools and sharing testimonials or tips and tricks.
With version 3.73 we have added this widget to ChurchTools so that even more users can benefit from the blog posts and learn about new features faster. We hope you like it here. 😃
Adjust card pin
ChurchTools relies on the choice of cards on OpenStreetMap. This gives us a privacy-friendly alternative to other providers. However, OSM is not perfect in any case. There are addresses that are not stored in OSM and therefore ChurchTools cannot find out the exact geo-coordinate. Especially for addresses abroad this can happen more often.
So that the advantage of a beautiful map display is not completely lost, we have decided to include the possibility that PINs can be set manually. This applies to addresses for individuals as well as for the meeting point of groups.
For persons, the PIN can be moved and reset by simply dragging and dropping or clicking. This change does not affect the stored address. If the person’s address is updated, then the PIN is also reset.
For meeting points, there is even the option of adopting the determined address from the PIN if the meeting point is not located at a person’s address. Here, too, there is of course the option to reset the PIN at any time.
PDF Creation (Hosting)
Now here is a little in-house news: For our hosting customers, i.e. all those whose ChurchTools installation ends on, we have replaced the software that is responsible for creating the PDFs. From now on we use Chromium for all and expect better results from the PDFs. Nothing has changed in the handling itself, but don’t be surprised if the created PDF looks a little bit different now.
Further changes
If this is not enough for you, you will find all changes of this and earlier versions in our Changelog.
We hope you like the new version as much as we do. As always, you may leave praise and criticize in our forum.
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