Maybe you have also used the last weeks to spend some nice days at our European neighbors. And maybe you were even very close to one of our very valuable ChurchTools volunteers.
ChurchTools is now available in 7 languages thanks to many native translators. I would like to introduce a part of our team to you today. Motivated ChurchTools users who devote a lot of time and energy making ChurchTools available to their church members in their native language. And as always with ChurchTools, this will also be a benefit to all other churches.

My name is Eduardo Galloni Miguel, Born in Argentina, with dual Argentine and Italian nationality, I have lived for 17 years, with my Family, in Girona Spain, I have 54 years of life and 41 as a Christian, currently we are Members of The Evangelical Church Elim in the city of Girona. Thanks to Pastor Sammy Thomas, who was the one who found ChurchTools on the net as church management software, it was chosen as a Trial version for testing.
I began to perform the tests and it seemed to me a fantastic tool for the churches, it is a way of organizing a Church digitally. It has been a great blessing for me to be able to help translate this software, because I know that as a Spanish speaker, we can transmit this Blessing of use of ChurchTools to other churches, and in this way we will be able to help the churches to dedicate themselves to the Preaching of the Word of God, and that ChurchTools is in charge of the organization, which sometimes costs so much time for the churches.
Luc is a pastor in Thonon-les-Bains, on Lake Leman and loves to go out by boat, which he finds very relaxing besides reading and spending time with family and friends.

It had been a long time since I was looking for a tool to help us in the administrative management of the church without finding anything that suited us. As soon as I was introduced to ChurchTools, I knew it was exactly what we needed. It’s a complete tool that not only manages church members, but also monitors them. I really like being able to partition access and allow different people to access the data they need, such as managing their team members or calendars. I must admit that this tool is so rich that we do not use everything yet, but we are on the way for it.
As for me, ChurchTools is such a great support in the administration and the leading of a church and for the French speaking churches to benefit it fully, it needs to be in French. So it is a joy to serve the Kingdom in helping in this.
At this point I would also like to thank Mathieu, who has translated ChurchTools into French over the last two years, but who now wants to devote himself entirely to his ministry as a campus pastor in Marseille. Thank you very much for your support, Mathieu! With Luc we have fortunately found a worthy successor.

My name is Koen Degraeve. First and foremost I am a child of God, married for 15 years and I am the dad of 2 beautiful daughters. As a job I have been ICT coordinator at a secondary school since this year. In previous years I was a teacher of Dutch and Computer Science. I have been going to Grace Family Church for almost 25 years and have been a member of the leader team for 10 years. In the past 5 years our church has grown enormously and we needed a good administrative platform.
After some searching, we soon came to ChurchTools. ChurchTools is now used almost daily by many of the people from our church. We think it is important that our people can consult the platform in their own language and that is why I have committed myself to work with the ChurchTools translation team from my professional background (Dutch and IT teacher). It is fantastic to participate in this and to let other churches enjoy this wonderful platform.
These were just three of our “silent heroes” who enable many ChurchTools users to take advantage of the many benefits of the software in their own native language.
In my next blog post I would like to introduce you to the people who make ChurchTools available in English, Portuguese and Russian.
Stay tuned and enjoy summer!
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