This post was created during the Corona Pandemic to gather ideas on how ChurchTools can support churches and parishes with digital solutions. All contributions of this series can be found under the Tag COVID-19 .
We hear from many different sides that a great number of churches are now increasingly using video conferencing tools in order to keep in touch with each other in times of social distancing and to shape church life. There are many solutions for this, be it Skype, Zoom, MS Teams or Jitsi.
I’ll take Zoom as an example. Zoom offers the possibility to create rooms. There you can dial in and then use video and audio to gather or pray together.
But how do you manage to ensure that the rooms are used effectively, and avoid that someone doesn’t constantly drop in to see if the room is free at the moment?
One solution would be to use the Resources module of ChurchTools. Create a new resource type in the master data. I have simply called this one “Zoom”. Then I created 2 zoom rooms as new resources and assigned them to the new resource type.

Now adjust the permissions. For example, simply give each small group leader the rights to request these resources. Et voilà, the church can already work together harmoniously in the “home office”.