The new app version 0.37 brings a speed boost at app startup, improvements in chat and some bug fixes for example in calendar and events.
App startup accelerated
It is essential to us that we make the app more stable and also faster. One feedback on this was that the app takes too long to be used when starting. We addressed this issue and were able to improve the app startup by reducing the requests (API calls) to ChurchTools.
Chat: listen to voice messages
Communication in the church is an important issue. You want to communicate things quickly and easily. Chat is a great way to do that. Version 0.37 now takes the next step and allows you to listen/play voice messages. This means that you no longer have to call up the file in another app.
Chat: Display of the read status
Communicating via chat is good; but what good is it if you don’t know if the message was read? The latest version of the app does just that. A double tick now shows you whether the message has been read by the other person.
Event list revised
A list of upcoming events has been in the app for quite some time. We have revised this list. It behaves similarly to the calendar view. The events are no longer just listed, but displayed to you in a more structured way, and you can also see the calendar color.
Share groups
With groups you can organize events, such as a church retreat. Participants can register via the registration form and the organization can get started.
But what good is the best event if no one knows about it? In the current app version, groups can now also be shared. You can share the link to the group in all apps. For example, in the ChurchTools chat. There, the group is even displayed as a preview. So everyone in the chat knows right away what the group is about and where you will get to when you tap on the link.
Further bug fixes
- No permanent loading spinner in the calendar when there are no appointments.
- The calendar selection now shows the campus of the calendar.
- In the event view, the event description is now displayed correctly again, even if no link is included.
- The titles of the different tabs are now in one design on iOS.
- The login notification settings can now be used again.
- Church logos are now scaled and displayed correctly in the Finder.
- When opening a birthday notification, you now always come out at the correct tab in the birthday list.
If this is not enough for you, you will find all changes of this and earlier versions in our Changelog.
We hope you like the new version as much as we do. As always, you may leave praise and criticism in our forum.