App v0.26: Share via ChurchTools, show birthdays

Version 0.26 is ready. It brings birthdays and songs to the start page and allows you to select ChurchTools as a share destination.

This makes the chat even more useful and brings the church closer together when you congratulate each other on birthdays.

Share media

Version 0.26 brings the ability to share media directly via ChurchTools. The app now pops up when users want to share and the corresponding chats with which they want to share the media or content can be selected.


A birthday is a nice occasion on which one would like to congratulate. But who has all the birth dates of their friends and of their church stored? So what could be more obvious than asking ChurchTools?

On the start page you will now find an overview of upcoming birthdays and you can jump directly to the birthday list. There you will see all birthdays of the people you are allowed to see in ChurchTools.

Use the bell icon to turn on push notifications and be notified of birthdays.

You can also use the chat button to congratulate the birthday boy or girl directly in the ChurchTools chat.

Songs to learn

On the start page, in addition to the birthdays, you will now find another widget that shows you songs to learn.

In ChurchTools, songs can be marked for learning, which the musicians can practice. With the widget you have these songs quickly at hand.

Further changes

If this is not enough for you, you will find all changes of this and earlier versions in our Changelog.

We hope you like the new version as much as we do. As always, you may leave praise and criticism in our forum.