Time passes so fast and we are already in the midst of Christmas season. In Germany we have the tradition to open each day a little door on a so called advent calendar on the last 24 days before Christmas. Today we can open the second little door and guess what you will find today? A new ChurchTools version 😉
New Module: Finances
We are in the process of developing a new Finance module and have just arrived there in the final spurt for the release in January.
What can you expect?
Anyone can book from anywhere.
Anyone means: Both the experienced accountant and the department leader who would like to make bookings for his particular department, e.g. the bookshop, the café or the youth cashier.
Anywhere means: You can simply log into ChurchTools from anywhere without an installation on your computer and get started.

- Book directly in ChurchTools
- Access from anywhere
- Restriction of access through permissions
- Expert and simplified views
- Reports
- Multi-client capable
- Donation receipts
- Budget for departments
- Translated into English, German, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Russian and more
For the new version, we have also concentrated on quite some bugfixes.
Improvement of the display of inherited group internal permissions
All groups inherit the group-internal permissions of their group type. In the case of normal group-internal permissions, which are simply switched on and off by checkbox, this has always been displayed directly with a deactivated checkbox. The problem is that this inheritance was not visible in the Permissions Allowed to see fields of persons and Allowed to see fields of group. This has been improved. The security level from the group type is now preselected and the lower security levels are no longer selectable.
We have not changed anything about the functionality, only about the display in the group-internal permissions.

Further changes
All further bug fixes you will find in our changelog.
As always, you can leave praise and criticism in the forum.