App v0.25: Create persons, enter services and search group lists

The new update is ready and brings again nice innovations. From now on you can also create new people via the person list and subscribe to free services. You can now find the right group either via the individual group lists or directly via a person.

Create & find people

With version 0.24, the person list has been added under the Discover tab. Two useful things have now been added to this view:

So you can now search this list to find the person you are looking for. And additionally you can create a completely new person here via the plus symbol.

Free services

The display of events is extremely practical. I look in there regularly to see if there are still services to be filled. Now you can also subscribe yourself to free services there.

This is especially practical for churches that have the approach that each minister seeks out the dates on which he/she can.

Find groups

Life happens in groups, so it is important to find the groups you are looking for. You could search for a group for a long time, but sometimes that is not enough.

Under Discover, the groups are already listed by group type. If you now have all groups of a type listed, you can search specifically within a group type here.

It is also interesting that the groups of a person are now displayed directly in the person profile. What you already know from the web is now also visible in the app. So a quick look where a person is involved and you know what’s going on.

Further changes

If this is not enough for you, you will find all changes of this and earlier versions in our Changelog.

We hope you like the new version as much as we do. As always, you may leave praise and criticism in our forum.