v3.105: Automatic memberships and QR codes for check-in

The new year is already in full swing and at ChurchTools we’re also in the process of planning, programming and documenting the first version for this year. We are looking forward to 2024 and what it will bring. This release already brings a great new feature that has long been on the wish list of many users: Automatic membership.

Automatic membership

It’s finally here! 🎉 Automatic group membership is here to save you time when managing groups. But that’s not all! The people in your church community will also be pleased that this feature allows them to join groups more quickly. 
How does it all work?

IF: Personal filters take effect …

You can use person filters to select the persons for whom automatic actions should be carried out. All personal information (e.g. status or gender) and important information about membership in other groups (e.g. role or joined since) is available as filters.

THEN: Actions are executed …

Filtered individuals can then be added automatically …

  • to the group or be removed from the group.
  • and receive a new membership and/or status.
  • when their group member information gets updated.

Delay QR codes for check-in

When people register for a group, a check-in code was previously sent immediately via email. However, this is not desired in every scenario. You can now deactivate the immediate e-mailing of check-in codes so that you can have the check-in code sent later manually or at a defined time.

QR-Code Placeholder

You can now use the placeholder function {{#qrcode}} to insert any textual content as a QR code in emails and serial letters.

Calendar: Link to registration

If you have created a registration group for a calendar appointment, a link is created to the public registration if you are not logged in. However, if you are logged in, you will now be linked directly to the group.

Calendar: Meeting requests & push message

If you create a meeting request or make changes to an appointment with a meeting request, the attendees will now also be informed via a push notification on their smartphone.

Further changes

If this is not enough for you, you will find all changes of this and earlier versions in our Changelog.

We hope you like the new version as much as we do. As always, you may leave praise and criticism in our forum.